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Anton has been a member of the rescue squad since 1997. The main emphasis has been on rescue operations in the mountains and wilderness. Head of the avalanche division of ICE-SAR rescue school since 2009 and active instructor in avalanches and mountain rescue for years.Anton´s main profession since 2007 is at Akureyri Fire and Rescue service as shifts commander and paramedic. Anton also works for the Icelandic Meteorological Office as avalanche observer.
Anton is an active participant member in MS.i in development and establishment of best practise avalanche rescue protocols. Anton has also been involved in the preparation of emergency plans for avalanches and accidents for the mountain regions of Tröllaskagi peninsula and surrounding areas.
In March 2023, intense winter storm passed over the Eastfjords, which caused an extensive avalanche activity that threatened settlements and transport infrastructure in the area. A state of public safety was declared while there was a risk of avalanches and a number of emergency personnel were involved in operations in the area.For the first time in an operation of such a magnitude, the actions of the responders were evaluated specifically with regards to avalanche danger risk assesment.
The talk will cover how a risk assessment was carried out in collaboration with security representatives at operations level management and carried out by response parties in exposed areas, which processes were followed and how the experience gained in the operation can be used for similar operations in the future.