United States Navy and Marine Corps Humanitarian Assistance

United States Navy and Marine Corps Humanitarian Assistance

About Event
13/10/2018 13:00 - 13:45
Silfurberg A

United States Navy and Marine Corps Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief This presentation will give a brief overview on United States Navy and Marine Corps Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HADR), and Search and Rescue (SAR) capabilities. When disasters occur, the American people are moved by human suffering to act, and in doing so offer the capabilities and unique skills of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps to provide immediate aid and assistance. The United States Navy and Marine Corps are well-suited for HADR and SAR missions because our expeditionary naval forces are forward deployed and can quickly respond when crises arise. This brief will cover four different disasters that occurred in the Asia/Pacific region from 2011 to 2015 will serve as an example of what the Navy and Marine Corps team can do when called upon to aid in the preservation of life and mitigation of suffering. It is only a small sample of what the US Navy and Marine Corps are capable of and only covers one geographical region--but illustrates what the US Navy and Marine Corps are capable of providing around the world.