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Drones have now become capable of carrying various sensors and other and often heavier devices. This lecture will discuss two scenarios for innovative uses of drones and new technologies in SAR.Avalanche beacons can now be effectively used in avalanche scenarios. Norske Folkehjelp has been working with device manufacturers to develop a practical solution for a rapid and safe avalanche search using drones.Lifeseeker is an airborne mission system for SAR, capable of accurately locating missing persons through their mobile phones – even in areas with no network coverage and under adverse weather conditions. It can be used on both manned (planes and helicopters) and unmanned aerial platforms (UAVs/drones). This device turns phones into emergency beacons that quickly guide Search and Rescue teams to the exact location of the missing person. Lifeseeker maximizes missions in which every second counts by efficiently locating the person in need.I will further discuss how we educate and select pilots, and how we cooperate with manned operations.